Inner Labia Piercing

As the name suggests, an inner labia piercing is a piercing (or set of piercings) that are done through the inner labia, which is the smaller, hairless folds of the vulva. These piercings are done with rings, and can be done on one or both sides of the inner labia. These piercings are anatomy-specific, so depending on your unique anatomy you may be able to get paired, or multiple labia piercings on one side. 

These piercings are considered decorative rather than functional piercings, although depending on the placement of the rings and where they rest, it is possible for them to put pressure on the clitoris. 

When compared to outer labia piercings, inner labia piercings tend to heal quicker with fewer complications as they are tucked away and less likely to snag on clothing or during daily activities. 

Healing Time (approximate): 3-5 months

Downsize: Not necessary 

Standard Jewelry Size: 12g 

Standard Jewelry Style: Captive bead ring or circular barbell