Age Policy

Due to the different types of services we offer at Good Form Piercings & Tattoos, there are certain age requirements for different procedures.

Under 14

Piercing of the EAR LOBE ONLY can be performed on anyone who is able to consent to the procedure, with a parent or legal guardian present and proper identification for both parties. For more information, please head to our Children's Earlobe Piercings page

Ages 14 and 15

All basic piercings can be performed, with a parent or legal guardian present and proper identification for both parties. Basic piercings include nostrils, earlobes, lips, and some ear cartilage piercings.

- Exclusions: nipples, genitals, and advanced piercings. 

Ages 16 and 17

All basic piercings can be performed, with proper identification. 

- Exclusions: nipples, genitals, and advanced piercings. 

18 and older

All piercings, as well as tattooing, can be performed on any consenting adult with proper identification.

No one under 18 may be tattooed, or receive a piercing from the exclusion list, regardless of parental consent.

ID Requirements

Government-issued ID is required for all piercing and tattoo services, each and every time. 

For minors under 16, a parent or guardian is required to be present and to bring photo ID, as well as non-photo ID for the minor being pierced. 

Clients aged 16 and 17 can provide ID in one of two ways: they can sign for themselves with a piece of government-issued photo ID, or they can bring a piece of non-photo ID and a legal parent or guardian with photo ID.

For more information about ID requirements, please head to our Legal ID page

Basic Piercings

Here is a list of basic piercings that we offer at Good Form that are available for clients 14 and older: 

  • Earlobe
  • Nostril
  • Lip (includes vertical lip and philtrum; excludes cheek piercings)
  • Eyebrow
  • Helix
  • Conch
  • Tragus
  • Daith
  • Septum
  • Navel/Floating Navel

Advanced Piercings

Here is a list of advanced piercings that we offer at Good From that are available for clients 18 and older: 

  • Bridge 
  • Cheek
  • Surface Anchors and Bars
  • Industrial
  • Snug
  • Anti-Tragus
  • Nipples
  • Genitals
  • High Nostrils
  • Forward Nostrils