Legal ID


We require ID for all piercing services, including earlobe piercings for children. For minors who are getting pierced, we require one (1) piece of government ID from the person being pierced, as well as one (1) piece of PHOTO ID from the consenting parent/legal guardian. We do NOT require photo ID for minors under 16. 

For example: A parent brings their eight year old child in for earlobe piercings. We will require one (1) piece of government-issued ID for the child being pierced and one (1) piece of government-issued photo ID for the consenting parent. The minor would not need to provide photo ID, but if they have a passport it can be used as their piece of ID, with the parent still providing their photo ID.

Minors aged 16 and up can sign for themselves for basic piercings, providing they have photo ID. 


For minors, legal ID would be anything that was issued by the Provincial or Federal Government (or applicable governing bodies if not living in Canada) that has the following: 

- Name of person being pierced
- Date of birth

Examples include: Passport, BCID, Services Card, Care Card, Birth Certificate

For minors over the age of 16 and all adults, we require photo ID issued by the Provincial or Federal Government (or applicable governing bodies if not living in Canada) that has the following: 

- Name of person being pierced
- Date of birth
- Photo

Examples include: Drivers License, Passport, BCID, BC Services Card (or similar from other provinces)

If the minor does not have government-issued photo ID, we can use a combination of the following: 

1) A piece of government-issued non-photo ID and;
2) Either a piece of non-government issued photo ID (such as a school ID) OR a parent/guardian's photo ID. 

ALL TATTOO SERVICES require government-issued photo ID. We will only tattoo adults aged 18 and older.

Please note that expired ID is perfectly acceptable as long as the information is still correct.