Philtrum Piercing

A philtrum piercing is a type of oral piercing that goes through the divot right above the top lip (the cupid's bow), and just below the nose. This piercing is sometimes referred to as a "Medusa" piercing. 

Although these piercings are anatomy-dependant, nearly everyone has sufficient space between their top lip and nose to get a philtrum piercing, and some people have space for a double philtrum piercing. 

Philtrum piercings are done with flat-back labrets for maximum comfort and minimal rubbing on the teeth and gums. Like other lip and oral piercings, philtrum piercings tend to swell a lot, so the piercer will have to start the wearer off with a long bar, and then downsize within a few weeks of the initial piercing to help the piercing fit comfortably. 

Depending on the amount of space on the wearer's face, a philtrum piercing can have a wide design to make optimal use of the space. 

Important Information

Healing Time (approximate): 6-9 months

Downsize: 2-3 weeks

Standard Jewelry Size: 16g 

Standard Jewelry Style: Stud, flat-back labret-style post

Minimum Age: 14, with parental consent. Click here for more information on our Age Policy. 

Although healing times vary for all individuals, these are average time frames that most clients fall into. If you are still noticing swelling around your piercing after 3 weeks, we recommend coming in for a piercing consultation so our piercer can take a look at the piercing and assess the situation. 

Some piercings require multiple downsizes in order to heal correctly and fit comfortably. 

If you prefer the look of a thicker piercing, or have had trouble healing piercings in the past and want a more stable piercing, our piercers may be able to pierce you with a larger gauge than listed above, however; for safety and healing we will not pierce with anything smaller.