Oral Piercings

Oral piercings are a broad range of piercings that include those contained inside the mouth, as well as ones that have an exit on the face. This includes tongue piercings, labret piercings, and cheek piercings. 

Our piercers offer a variety of oral piercings to suit your personality, lifestyle, and aesthetic. 


Cheek - Cheek or dimple piercings are oral piercings that go through the tissue of the cheek and exit onto the outside of the face. As oral piercings swell significantly, they must be pierced with longer bars to accommodate swelling. Cheeks are notoriously difficult to heal, and are very likely to snag. Our piercers do not offer cheek piercings. 

Frenulum - A lip frenulum, commonly referred to as a smiley or a frowny, is a piercing that goes through the web of tissue connecting your lip and gums. This piercing is highly prone to rejection and places a lot of pressure on the gumline, making it prone to erosion. A tongue frenulum, or tongue web, goes through the line of tissue under the tongue. This is very prone to migration and rejection. Our piercers do not offer oral frenulum piercings. 

Jestrum - Jestrum piercings, or vertical philtrum piercings, are piercings that go through the upper lip with an end in the philtrum and an end resting in the middle of the upper lip. These are not true oral piercings as they do not go into the mouth, but have similar downsize times and are going through the lips. 

Lip - A lip piercing is an umbrella term for any piercing that goes through the area surrounding the lips. There are many different terms for different types of lip piercings, including colloquial terms such as "snakebites" for paired lower labrets, "monroe" for an upper lip piercing, and so on. Trendy terminology can pop up very quickly, so if you want a certain piercing, please bring a photo reference so we can make sure we are talking about the same placement!

Philtrum - A philtrum piercing, colloquially referred to as a Medusa piercing, is an oral piercing that goes through the cupid's bow and into the mouth. This is done with a labret post for optimal comfort and healing. 

Tongue - Tongue piercings are done through the muscle of the tongue in the middle of the mouth. As the tongue is very vascular, it is important to ensure the piercing does not go through any veins on the tongue. Tongues are known to cause tooth and gum damage over time, even if fully healed and downsized. Our piercers do not offer tongue piercings. 

Vertical Labret - A vertical labret piercing goes through the lip and does not go into the mouth. This piercing is done with a curved barbell and can be placed in the centre, or on either side of the lip. Vertical labrets can be done through the top or bottom lip, and as a single piercing or a pair. Paired upper vertical labrets are colloquially referred to as "angel bites" or "angel fangs" if they have spikes.